Acupuncture is a treatment therapy that introduces very thin needles to improve certain conditions. It is a tradition from ancient Chinese medicine and has been ongoing for millennia.
Many people ask if acupuncture is the right treatment for physical therapy. The answer is that it can be one of the treatments for some specific conditions. Expert physiotherapists like the Oakville Physiotherapists use it with other methods. This helps to get the best results fast.
What Is Acupuncture?
It works when very thin needles are inserted into specific points on the body. These are considered to be related to energy lines called meridians.
According to conventional Chinese medicine, the energy Qi (the “chis” moves easily along their channels, and we are healthy). If the circulation is stopped or interfered with, then this can lead to pain or disease.
By inserting needles in some areas, acupuncture helps to return the body’s Qi to equilibrium. This helps the body in healing physical pain and concussions. This process allows your brain by triggering it to release natural hormones that reduce pain and improve mood.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Here is a simple way to understand it:
- The needles activate specific points on your body.
- These points send messages to your brain.
- Your brain produces endorphins that relieve pain and create peace.
How does acupuncture help with pain management?
Releases Natural Painkillers
If needles are placed at particular locations on the body, they trigger the release of endorphins, endogenous opioid neurochemicals that act as analgesics.
Improves Blood Flow
Acupuncture can increase blood flow in needle insertion sites. Enhanced blood flow helps inhibit inflammation and promote repair.
Calms the Nervous System
The acupuncture process activates the nervous system and alleviates stress and anxiety. A calmer body often experiences less pain.
Targets Specific Pain Areas
The treatments are customized based on the type of pain condition, such as back pain, knee injuries, or headache. They do this using acupoints relevant to the condition and thereby effectively result in pain relief.
Benefits of Acupuncture in Physical Therapy
Reduced Inflammation
Acupuncture has been shown to encourage better quality of blood circulation. It has been reported to reduce inflammation and swelling in injured sites.
Enhanced Muscle Relaxation
By selectively stimulating muscle groups, acupuncture relaxes contracted muscles and releases tension.
Improved Treatment Response
A combination of acupuncture and physiotherapy can achieve the optimal reaction to treatment. Improved circulation and oxygenation to the damaged tissues improve tissue repair.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
These needles are extremely thin and sterilized, and they do not cause most pain, so they are safe. Always ensure to consult your doctor. Make sure you talk to a physiotherapist before starting acupuncture if you have any health issues.
Conclusion Is Acupuncture a Valid Physical Therapy Option?
Acupuncture is an acceptable part of physical therapy useful to many patients. It is useful in pain management and recovery and promotes quality of life. It works by restoring balance to the body’s energy. If you consider trying this out, look for a qualified physiotherapist. They can give you the necessary information you may need to start treatment.